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Self-released, 2019 |
Dig Deep!
Drink Water!
Go to sleep!"
In a landscape that’s crowded with muscular knights, fierce dragons, sharp swords, vicious trolls, and damp dungeons, the bravest thing one can do, is to appear vulnerable and caring. Earthencloack does just that with its sophomore record Pipe Smoke and Faery Magick.
Right from the start, we are invited to lighter territory. Comfortable melodies make us feel at home - and there’s nothing left to do but surrender to one of the most wholesome sounding experiences to’ve come forth from this genre.
Now, one could just leave it at that. Pipe Smoke and Faery Magick is gentle, comfortable and at times even childish. For some of us though, there might be a bittersweet undertone to the record; hidden slightly behind what’s given at face value. After all: everything is a dungeon if you dig deep enough.
Having grown up watching The World of David the Gnome on television, I vividly remember how the final episode covers the passing of David and his wife Lisa. As a kid, it was quite devastating to see these creatures - who’ve been such a joy to experience - suddenly disappear from existence. What strikes me about Pipe Smoke, is that the further the record evolves, small touches of melancholia seem to find their way through the cracks, foreboding an end that creeps closer every minute. Whether this is intentional or just a fabrication of my over-imaginative mind will probably remain a mystery, but I’m quite sure some of you will understand what I’m talking about.
Despite its best efforts to make us feel comfortable, Pipe Smoke and Faery Magick subtly reminds us of the unavoidable passing of all that is gentle - and the importance of the time we’ve been given.
TL;DR: And honey stained his moustache gold.
A light-hearted gem.
Earthencloak on Bandcamp | Earthencloack on Facebook